Understanding Adult ADHD and ADD
Welcome! I’m Nicola Beer, a Dubai counselor specializing in various aspects of mental health, including ADHD, depression, and anxiety counseling Dubai. In today’s episode of our podcast, we’re delving into
Contact Nicola today for more information about her counseling
Welcome! I’m Nicola Beer, a Dubai counselor specializing in various aspects of mental health, including ADHD, depression, and anxiety counseling Dubai. In today’s episode of our podcast, we’re delving into
In this article we will be exploring cheating addiction and sex addiction and in other articles what a / cheating / sex addict can do to help themselves, what the
Another tough question people struggle with who have been cheated on is How can I love myself and give them a second chance at the same time? How can I
Nothing can describe the trauma so many men and women go through when they find their partner has cheated on them the first time and when they discover it has
In this episode I will focusing on what the addict can do to recover and help their partner and relationship. I will create a third podcast on this topic to
The first step in recovery of any addiction is admission of the addiction. Denial that the addiction is present. Denial that the person is in control of their urges or
Other than people pleasing personality, childhood trauma and low self-esteem there are people who cheat driven by selfishness or entitlement. Where the cheater has little to no remorse, where they
Often I get asked what does sex addiction, porn addiction and cheating addiction look like, how to know if I’m or my partner is addicted to cheating or sex?
For the relationship to work again, there needs to be first individual work for the cheating addict and then support for the couple rebuilding. The person cheated on also might
It’s an even harder blow for many when they find out that during the time the cheating took place they were going through difficult life events. For example: looking after
THE MOST COMMON RESPONSE TO AN AFFAIR IS TO SHUTDOWN AND WITHDRAW The most typical response is to discovering cheating is to withdraw. People withdraw because they never want to
I also notice that it is often traumatised people cheat, they have had their view of themselves, the world challenged in the past. It’s also behind many addictive behaviours. Addiction
How long does the effect of an affair last I am often asked? The reality is being cheated on can cause a traumatic response in a persons body. A
The first step in recovery of any addiction is admission of the addiction. Denial that the addiction is present. Denial that the person is in control of their urges or
For many rush of adrenaline, the excitement, the uncertainty, newness associated with cheating can be a hook that people find it hard to resist. Having affairs leaves people wanting more
Working and sharing a business with your partner can be amazing and it can also be very stressful especially if the roles are not clearly defined or the business is
We all have our individual dreams, goals and idea of what a life well lived means to us. I have worked with many people where achieving financial wealth and success
Finding out that your partner has cheated on you can turn your whole world upside down. What you believed to be a loving, harmonious relationship can be taken away within
How Thoughts Affect Our DNA We were made to believe DNA is the only thing that impacts how we look from eye colour to hair colour and influences the
Being in a relationship with someone who has an inferiority complex can be difficult – it can create a lot of tension or require a lot more effort to maintain
What Inferiority Complex and Superiority Complex means and where it comes from. So we all go through moments in life where we feel good about ourselves and feel proud
“My sister is beautiful, and I’m ugly in comparison.”, “I’m brilliant in this area of my life and a failure in this area.”, “My husband has broken me or is
Often people get to the latter stages of burnout before making changes, however, if you can recognize the early signs on the road to burnout, you can prevent hitting rock
In romantic relationships we respond and behave in different ways according to our attachment styles. Attachment styles are often unconscious. For example, you might notice someone is very clingy to
If you have ongoing stress or heavy demands, whether it is work related or personal stress, and you notice you are feeling exhausted, your energy is depleted, you zone out
Chasing The Scream’. Thank you for helping to spread the message of that book – that we need to stop shaming and punishing people with addiction problems, and start
Jekyll and Hyde personality is the term used to describe a person has two totally different personalities that totally contradict one another. For example, one personality might be loving, caring
For many people dating and the start of a relationship is fun and unplanned. The excitement of hanging out with someone new and seeing what unfolds is most people’s
Most relationships go through highs and some lows over time. When you’re experiencing the highs, everything can seem picture perfect, and you can’t imagine your life without your
Whether your partner had a one-night stand, saw prostitutes, was busy online sexting multiple people or developed a longer-term emotional connection. It hurts. The pain, resentment, worry over
Working and sharing a business with your partner can be amazing and it can also be very stressful especially if the roles are not clearly defined or the
Every week I work with people to help them get over a break up, where they will say to me, how can I get over someone, how do
I’ve helped countless men and women through my 3 day breakthrough sessions overcome their cheating habits, lying habits and commitment issues. I have noticed a pattern in the
According to The National Alliance for Caregiving, “More than 43 million adults provide care at home for other people…On average, they spend 24 hours a week taking care of their
Here are my top tips for serial cheating or serial lying include – Work with the subconscious mind – In order to make long-lasting changes we need to get
The phrase “Once a cheater, always a cheater” is often used to describe people who have cheated on their partner, even if it is a single incident and the general
Nicola Beer is a counselor in Dubai offering depression treatment in Dubai, anxiety therapy in Dubai and individual counseling in Dubai As a Dubai counsellor offering individual counseling in
So why are orgasms so important in sexual pleasure and what are the benefits of an orgasm? Orgasms are a sign that you have reached the pinnacle of your
I’ve talked about the mind and body connection on many occasions. It is so important to understand that the connection between our unconscious mind and our physical well-being is so
I’m sure you’ve heard stories of people who were about to start fertility treatment or given up and then found out they’re pregnant – I can’t help but connect this
Nicola Beer offers couples counseling Dubai, relationship counseling Dubai and sex therapy Dubai and online. Even in our more transparent, global, modern world today the area of sexual desire
If you have been with me so far Then you already know this.. When it comes to transforming your life which is aligned and purposeful… A life
I see many great coaches collect relationship and life coaching certifications after certifications There is this hope that the higher the amount of certifications they collect the more they
Have you still been trying to work with traditional counselling methods? Hypnotists, Therapists, Coaches, Gurus, Life Coaching Courses … And the list goes on… Maybe right now
**Warning: This is probably going to offend you..** In the last blog, I was talking about the #1 Shocking truth that keeps you stuck from attaining a life of
I have a question for you and I want you to be completely honest with your answer: Have you ever said you’d start something – a project, a challenge,
I have a confession to make! In fact, this is a story that probably could change your life in the next 24hrs! It’s a bold claim, I know…
Lessons from a light bulb that can help you start a 6-figure therapy business in 90 days! The very idea of successfully completing a relationship and life coaching certification
Life coaching certification *ATTENTION** What to do if you are still finding yourself or others you want to help slipping back to old habits Have you ever been in this
In the last blog, I showed you how essential it is to create a deep lasting change in the root of our subconscious. And also, how it alters the
Offering both depression treatment in Dubai and anxiety treatment I see many individuals struggle as they feel lost. They want either hypnotherapy in Dubai or online or couple counseling.
I’m sure we can all think of a time where we questioned what makes us happy, our purpose in life, work, or if our relationship/friendships are working for us? For
One thing I have seen time and time again in my relationship counselling dubai is people who change themselves in a relationship at the beginning and then years later come
Kristina reach out to me concerned that her husband has a shisha addiction and that if not careful it will not only harm his health but destroy their marriage and
In my time as a life coach and marriage counsellor in Dubai and online, I have worked with countless couples who struggle with having parents that are too involved or
Let me share straight away with you that I used to have a smoking addiction and did hypnosis in Dubai. Thankfully after several attempts to quit smoking, I was successful
In my marriage counselling Dubai and online many share that what has led to the breakdown of the marriage is that one person is depressed or anxious all the time.
What are the signs that can indicate an addiction to DEPRESSION misery, unhappiness and complaining – Struggle to accept you can change things in your life – You think
As I’ve discussed previously, being a relationship counsellor in Dubai I have witnessed how our childhood or life experiences help mould our thoughts, our adult way of life and our
As a Dubai counsellor, that runs depression and anxiety treatment in Dubai I am hearing more people claim they or their partner have “FOMO” “fear of missing out” In fact
I’m sure we can all think about situations that we have been in where we have struggled to make a solid decision because we fear that we may regret it
Here is how to free yourself Article by Nicola Beer – marriage counselling dubai life coach, who runs life coaching certification and relationship coaching certification courses online, she is also a
As our early childhood experiences impact our success in life, influence our mental health and relationships I wanted to share some tips to support you. So you do not need
Article by Nicola Beer – marriage counselling Dubai life coach, who runs life coaching certification and relationship coaching certification courses online, she is also a highly respected depression counselling Dubai
Nicola Beer runs life coaching certification and relationship coach training certification and one of the main areas she helps with is imposter syndrome. I’m sure we can all think
Nicola Beer is a relationship coach dubai and alternative to marriage counselling dubai and who also runs life coaching certification and relationship coaching certification courses. There are so many
Do you find yourself feeling really affected by things that go on around you? Do you feel yourself really being in tune with the emotions of others? Do bright light
We are built to feel and express emotions from birth in order to survive. Without loving parents or caregivers, a child would not survive; without a baby crying out for
As a life coach that facilitates in person and online marriage counselling, I have supported countless couples around the world, navigate their way through life after infidelity. When a person
When a person lacks empathy, they are unable to put themselves in another person’s shoes, aren’t able or willing to see things from a different perspective, and usually find it
As an addiction counselor, certified hypnotherapist and life coach I have used hypnotherapy for many different addictions. Including food addiction treatment, sex addiction treatment, game addiction treatment and addiction counseling
Here are some tips to help you stop obsessive thinking about other people outside of your relationship. And if you have already tried what I share below then contact me
These days there is a label and name for everything which quite frankly continues to baffle me. Putting people into boxes and labeling people with conditions I believe causes more
Sleep is an essential part of our daily routine and adults are encouraged to have at least 7 – 9 hours of sleep. In fact, research shows that it’s not
As I’ve discussed previously about sleep therapy and hypnotherapy for insomnia, sleep is so important and when we have less sleep than we should be getting, it starts to impact
If you have retroactive jealousy No matter what the reason is behind feeling insecure or anxious about your partner’s history, there are things you can do to work through these
Jealousy can come up from time to time in any relationship however there is a difference between a healthy jealous passing thought and out right obsession, fear and control from
Hypnotherapy for ADHD ADD in Adults – Husband Wife Has ADHD With the right hypnotherapist, a person with ADHD can learn to manage their symptoms and lead a
Being in a relationship with someone who presents with symptoms of ADHD and possibly other mental health conditions can really test your love and connection to one another. If you
Maintaining a successful or thriving relationship can be difficult at the best of times but when you have to take other factors, like a ADHD into consideration it can become
There is so much discussion around relationship coaching and marriage counseling. It is hard for people seeking couple counseling to know the difference between the two. As they both help
Normally I have a full individual and couple program for this, so here are some suggestions for things that can help if you are stuck wondering how to get over
It has been a crazy year so far for all of us in some ways. Some people have of course suffered more than others with losing loved ones, financial losses
As a life coach I have helped many people find their purpose in life and breakthrough old patterns of anxiety, addiction and lack of confidence. Through my individual breakthrough packages
People often ask me “Nicola, what is the purpose or benefits of life coaches?” or “Why did you become a life coach in Dubai?”. Both really valid questions, especially now
Nicola Beer is a certified life coach, hypnotherapist and transpersonal counsellor. She combines all three methods to help her clients get results fast. For people who are not in the
Working through infidelity can be one of the biggest tests any couple can go through, but what about a couple who have to contend with accusations of cheating or having
Ending a relationship with a narcissist is never easy as you are taking away their control. As well as someone they possibly got their power and security from or can
If your husband or wife, girlfriend boyfriend suffers from depression, I know there will be days where you, as the supporting partner, may feel helpless or lost. I also know
Countless people approach me daily wondering if an affair means it’s time to leave a marriage Over the past 10 years, I have become an affair recovery expert, how can
Lisa has been married to Ahmad for four years, the past two years they have been fighting non-stop. Ahmad was tired of driving the relationship and Lisa’s lateness would drive
I’m sure most of you will have heard of the term narcissism thrown around to describe people who are vain or full of themselves and constantly putting others down. Maybe
In 1972, a book titled ‘Open Marriage’ was released, and was considered the first of its kind to mention a marriage set up that is different to a traditional marriage.
There are so many reasons why someone has an affair, but the reality is, regardless of why an affair is happening or has happened the aftermath can be extremely damaging
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions but is also one of the least talked about and understood. Someone suffering from anxiety will often require a lot
Can you think of a time where there was someone tapping their pen and you couldn’t ignore it? Or maybe the constant sound of someone chewing their food loudly puts
There are times in life where we begin to worry about how close we are getting to the end of our lives and as these thoughts come into play, we
Almost daily I support people who tell me ‘My husband has cheated on me’ or ‘or I have found my wife sexting another man, what should I do? When I
Our partner is often the most important person in the world to us. They’re who we confide in, go to for advice, and (in some cases) the individual who we
The divorce rate increase after COVID – 19 in China suggests that alone time and solitude is important to a healthy marriage! Solitude is a basic human need.. and yet
Experiencing the death of a loved one is never easy or the same, no matter what the circumstances or age they died. Online grief counseling is a great way to
Online counseling UK and UAE; supporting people to heal from Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse and Sexual Abuse in Childhood As An Adult Is pain from the way you were treated
Can you go from zero to a hundred in an argument? Do you find you are getting more and more irritated and having less control over your temper? Do you
Coming Closer, Rebuilding Trust & Togetherness Whilst most of us right now have to stay indoors due to isolation and social distancing, it is such a great time
How to make working from home and homeschooling both productive and peaceful in Social Distancing This means figuring out who is going to work from where, making sure you
Resolve your financial disputes and conflicts by understanding what money really means to you and your partner There’s no disputing the fact that money, or in most cases the lack
Having a compulsive liar in your family or being married to one can be exhausting. In this article I will share with you how to deal with a compulsive liar,
Until I worked in the field of helping men and women heal their childhood wounds or from abusive relationships I didn’t comprehend the scale of emotional abuse taking place today.
I had a lady email me last month saying that a psychologist told her that her husband was a narcissist and she didn’t really know what that meant and she
Watching someone, you love harm themselves with alcohol or drugs can be very painful. I am passionate about this topic because I use to suffer from a secret crushing daily
What NOT to do when your husband or wife threatens divorce – how to save your marriage and stop divorce today! General relationship advice does not work when it comes
Did you know that in the US alone, an estimated 20 million women and 10 million men have or have had an eating disorder at some point in their lives?
When Dawn caught her husband Mark sexting an ex-colleague on WhatsApp, her whole world came crashing down, so we began marriage counselling in Abu Dhabi to discuss this issue. Mark
Most of the men and women I work with to single-handedly save their marriage from divorce or those who email me asking to know when a marriage is over or
There is a HUGE difference between taking personal processing timeout when you need to think, assess or relax and isolating. Isolating is where you don’t communicate and connect with others
Struggling to get pregnant can be a serious blow to the self-esteem of both women and men. Many people have reported feeling flawed, inadequate or guilty. These emotions can bring
When you are married you are tied financially to each other, every decision and transaction affects the other whether you like it or not. That is why finances and control
Boundaries are one of the most critical factors in healthy, happy and harmonious relationships. A boundary is a self-honouring agreement inside yourself or with another person that supports your well-being
It doesn’t feel good to feel controlled in a relationship. It also on a soul level doesn’t feel good to be controlling someone else. Yet unfortunately, it happens all the
Depression can have a devastating effect on close relationships. Sometimes depressed people blame themselves for their pain; sometimes they blame their partners. It’s baffling and painful to see them turn
THE WARNING SIGNS THAT DEPRESSION IS AFFECTING YOUR RELATIONSHIP When a spouse acts withdrawn and unaffectionate, a couple’s sex life and level of intimacy will suffer. There is also a
Are you thinking… My husband hit me for the first time and I don’t know what to do? My wife is violent and I don’t know whether to stay or
Dealing with an alcoholic parent as an adult Alcohol can and does have devastating effects on people. And it has even more devastating effects on relationships. When the person who
10 Ways To Protect Yourself if Your Parent, Husband or Wife Is An Alcoholic Make sure there are boundaries: Maybe you still want your parent to be involved in your
What To Do If Your Husband or Wife Has Had An Affair You had your suspicions, picked up on the subtle signs, you’ve been observing their behavior and it’s
What not to do if you suspect your husband or wife is having an affair It is not an easy thing to face thinking that your partner could be
How to Express Your Feelings In Romantic Relationships In this article I will describe how to talk about feelings with your romantic partner. How to express yourself in relationships
What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD and Body Dysmorphia Treatment Most of us have something that we wish were different about our bodies. For example: a crooked nose, small eyes,
Signs and Symptoms of Body Dysmorphia BDD How can you tell the difference between someone who doesn’t like something about their body and someone suffering with BDD? It is a
Many relationships start with romance, cozy week-ends in bed and that feeling that you just can’t imagine your life without each other. It is often an equal balanced relationship of
Read this if you want to know how to say no to your partner and change “whatever you want” to whatever I want” Overcoming codependency is simple in theory
Hi and thank you for taking this time to learn more about the reason why men and women cheat, are caught in sexting and social media flirting as well as
The Causes of Eating Disorders and Food Addiction When I set out to become free on my journey from the different eating disorders I had experienced, I wanted to know
During the Individual and Couples Counselling Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Online I run Holiday Stress and arguments is a common reason people feel frustrated or fed up. Typically there is
Often men and women approach me for couple counselling Dubai and online to find out why a husband or wife has cheated on them. I also get hired by husbands
More than we realize, stress and symptoms of depression can have an impact on our dietary lifestyle, weight or the way we choose to see food. Learning how to understand
Are you too busy being busy?Has even your social calendar turned into one big to do list and get through each weekend? Is there limited time to think let alone
I often get asked how to deal with a Husband or Wife who is a narcissist or how to deal with a Husband or Wife who is stubborn and has
How to Talk To A Stubborn, Egotistical Husband / Wife – By Nicola Beer When you are in a relationship, arguing with your partner can exhaust you and leave you
Getting Past Anger After An Affair / Getting Past The Affair – Online Marriage Counseling The most common questions I get in my online marriage counseling is “how do I
Gaming Addiction Help Article – Handling Gaming Addiction in Marriage UK, UAE and US Addiction in any form tends to be something that really affects relationships not to mention can
When it comes to marital counselling, people generally don’t give it a second thought ahead of their wedding. The idea is that why would they need this therapy before they
Thanks for being here, it’s so important to make sure your marriage gets off to a good at start. Be sure to read part 1 if you missed it… 5
When we think of hunger, we always tend to think that it is about nourishing our bodies so that they may continue to flourish. But we don’t realise it is
Are you stuck wondering how to overcome emotional eating for good and stick to your healthy eating plans? If yes, this article is for you. I will share the top
Sadly, empty nest syndrome symptoms affect not only individuals but marriages too. In this blog, I will address what is the effect of empty nest syndrome in marriage and how
Nothing prepares parents for the transition to an empty nest and it can cause damage to a marriage. In this article I highlight how to fix a relationship and get
You’ve heard of people being alcohol addicts, drug addicts and even gambling addicts but have you heard of anyone being a sugar addict? It’s a term these days that tends
Scientists have found sugar is more addictive than cocaine and as bread turns to sugar in our system bread, cake and pasta addiction is also a real problem for many,
There are many reasons why a marriage can become sexless. Some of the main reasons include 1 Lack of emotional intimacy and connection Where a couple only talks about finances,
If you are feeling frustrated and down about your sex life right now you are not alone. That’s why online relationship counseling and relationship advice hotline does exist. Literally, nearly
How To Handle Infidelity in Marriage & Getting Past The Affair By Nicola Beer In this I want to cover how to deal with infidelity in your marriage if you