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Divorce Counseling in Dubai | Break Up Support

 Navigating a breakup can be an emotionally overwhelming experience, and often, the hardest part is feeling lost in the midst of it all. Many individuals find themselves trapped in a cycle of overthinking, desperately in need of someone who can provide them with the moral support and expert guidance required to heal and move forward.

While the love and support of family and friends are invaluable, they may not always have the tools or understanding needed to address the intricacies of breakup. This is where I, as a relationship counselor, step into offer a helping hand.

Some couples also want closure, to learn and grow from it or want conscious uncoupling guidance. Whatever your desired outcome, I can assist you.

Nicola Beer specilazes in providing one-on-one breakup support, whether you are looking for counseling in Dubai or anywhere else in the world through online counseling she can help you. Our mission is to minimize the stress and emotional turmoil that often accompanies the end of a relationship. With compassionate guidance and a wealth of experience in breakup recovery, Nicola helps individuals find their inner strength, heal their hearts, and pave the way for a brighter, happier future.



Remember, you don’t have to face this challenging journey alone. Reach out today to discover the support and understanding you need to navigate your breakup with grace and resilience. 

Break Up / Divorce Counseling / Divorce Mediation Services

If the above speaks to you, you can book an hour session with me using the below link. 


Many individuals come alone, some as a couple to have closure or begin a conscious uncoupling process. 

It’s 850aed an hour for individual and 950aed an hour for couples. Which you can book using the link below. 



Or if you’re not ready for one to one support just yet then check out my free confidence meditation available on the gift page. 

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