The #1 shocking truth Life Coaching Certification Courses Don’t Teach You = This could keep you stuck forever
I have a question for you and I want you to be completely honest with your answer:
Have you ever said you’d start something – a project, a challenge, a goal – but then as it got closer… you found some really good sounding reasons NOT to start?
Or maybe you started off something with a bang, all charged up but right there somewhere you stopped! Life got in your way?
If you are someone on your journey to living a life of complete alignment, meaning and abundance, you might have had this idea of starting your own online business and becoming a life coach.
The very idea of guiding someone to profound change and getting paid for it might have inspired you!
You probably tried different life coaching courses, hypnotherapy training etc only to find that they lacked the exact practical steps to help you get started and get a stream of clients you want to support
Or maybe you lacked the tools to apply the steps as it became so overwhelming, and you left mid-way
You ended up feeling stuck again, almost powerless cause you couldn’t go all the way and gain a relationship and life coaching certification.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I have been there countless times!
And over the last 13 years, spending over $100,503 on education, certifications…1000’s of hours in private 1-1 sessions with clients, trial and error…
I have come to this deeper realization
In order to be unstuck, and attain real alignment and freedom, the change has to be permanent!
The reason we start and often never finish what we dreamed of is because the change needs to happen at the root level
The change needs to be ingrained inside us for it to become permanent
You also need the exact right tools that will show you step by step.
How you can overcome your internal doubts, the perceived limitations, complete a holistic relationship and life coaching certification and end up starting your own online business as a holistic life therapist?
Well, in order to win, you have to begin!
So, let me ask you this,
How would it feel for you to become the high earner in your household?
What would it be like to answer with pride when you tell your friends/relatives how you are impacting lives after becoming a life coach and getting paid high income for it?
And most importantly…
How much money do you think you left on the table this last year because you wanted to “plan” what you’re going to do instead of just doing it?
Life is too short, to be spent thinking and planning
If you have had this inner calling to want to live a life of passion, purpose and to feel energized, enthusiastic to wake up everyday…
If you have always yearned for attaining financial freedom, to take things in your own hands
Then I urge you to not wait! Someday we are all going to die, and the choice is yours whether you want to live with fulfilment or leave the world with regret!
And I know deep down you believe you can do it, I believe in You!
Take this little leap of Faith
This small first step to a radical transformation in becoming a life coach.
I have put together a Masterclass, where I show you the secrets to attain permanent change.
Here I will cover the three secrets to permanent change
You will Discover:
- How To Transform Your Mind
- How to Remove Negative Thoughts and Feelings That Block Your Success Once and For All…”.
..and finally,
- How to build a highly lucrative 6-figure business even if you’ve tried life coaching courses and failed before!”
Click here to access the free premium MASTER CLASS now!
I will also show you …
How you can have the tools to become a Certified Holistic Life Therapist and work from the comfort of your own home
So that you live a life of freedom, abundance and most importantly a deeper level alignment
Click here to access the free premium MASTER CLASS now!
P.S: This is going to be a paid masterclass very soon, and I really don’t know how long I am going to keep this up. Go watch it! 😊
Life is too short to procrastinate.
P.P.S: Look out for my next blog, where what I am going to reveal to you will be a complete game changer for you when it comes to attaining a permanent change, probably something you have never heard of.
It’s coming soon!
Nicola Beer is a counselor in Dubai that also does coaching, hypnotherapy and teaches Holistic Life Therapy Life Coaching Certification Courses online. Where she also teaches hypnosis and hypnotherapy.