I see many great coaches collect relationship and life coaching certifications after certifications


There is this hope that the higher the amount of certifications they collect the more they will attract and get clients.


If you have found yourself doing this, then let me tell you, this was something which I had been doing myself!


Going through more and more life coaching certifications, over and over only to feel overwhelmed…and burned out!


Sometimes I’d even make the mistake of asking clients what they wanted and overwhelmed them!


In fact, what I have found is that all these relationship and life coaching certification courses do no part in showing exactly how to get clients after. 


And how to put it all together


You might have the skills to bring a profound transformation in your clients but perhaps you have ended up spending 1000s of $ on a website or some self-learning marketing courses that got you nowhere. 


Questioning whether it is you or the lack of guidance given is the reason. 


What you have learnt is not getting you the type or amount of clients you want to help


Your not having the impact you want 


These life coaching certifications often talk about helping clients.. 


But they hardly show these:


    • How easy using technology is and how simple it can be
    • How to actually on-board good clients
    • What exact working marketing strategies you can use to easily follow and execute


In the end…


Getting clients is not about having more and more relationship and life coaching certifications 


It is about having the right tools and working with people and growing your business by helping others.


So, if you have been running after collecting certifications


Then realize this that collecting life coaching certifications will NOT make money!


Rather you need the right marketing tools and strategies, which are simplified and executable without overwhelm


Now if you want to know how to guide clients to profound change through little known techniques that help cause lasting change


If you want to remove fears, mental blocks and negative emotions from the past as well as install new strategies


So that, you can truly be your best in life and have the confidence to run an amazing profitable business


I have put together a free masterclass for a limited time for you


Check it out here


In this masterclass I will show you


How you can get Paid to guide Clients to profound Change, by Becoming a Certified Holistic Life Therapist and work from the comfort of your own home


A step by step process to help you overcome your own self-sabotaging emotions, get back complete control of your life


And, most importantly pave the way towards building a 6 figure business as a Certified Holistic Life Therapist!


Check out the free masterclass here


P.S: This is going to be a paid masterclass very soon, and I really don’t know how long I am going to keep this up. Go watch it now! 😊


Life is too short to procrastinate.


Nicola Beer is a counselor in Dubai that also does coaching, hypnotherapy and teaches Holistic Life Therapy Life Coaching Certification Courses online.