How to Heal from Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse or Sexual Abuse
Online counseling UK and UAE; supporting people to heal from Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse and Sexual Abuse in Childhood As An Adult
Is pain from the way you were treated as a child or previous toxic relationships affecting
your life and relationships now?
Are you currently in an abusive relationship or coming out of an abusive marriage and want to rebuild your life?
Are you witnessing someone close to you being physically or emotionally abused and finding it hard to let it go? Or was it a parent you saw in pain?
If the answer is yes to one of those, well done for searching for help; these are all the reasons why people often seek online psychotherapists and psychotherapy. Whilst you can struggle through it alone, you don’t have to, there are lots of types of online counselling for abuse as well as in person counseling services and somatic therapy that can help you.
The truth is healing from emotional and physical childhood abuse as an adult is not easy but it is possible. You deserve to move on and you already know this. There are so many of us still suffering in our adult lives and relationships because of things that we went through as child yet we don’t need to anymore.
Witnessing Abuse as a Child can have an affect even if not directly done to us. Seeing a parent
being abused will also have an impact on our relationships, health and overall success in life. We can also be abused by neglect such as having an alcoholic mother or father drug abuser and any other harmful addiction.
Emotional abuse can be helped with talking online counselling services. Other types of abuse sexual or physical abuse often requires somatic therapy which is psychotherapy bodywork. Either way self-love is needed and necessary for those wondering how to heal from abuse. Without self-respect no amount of online relationship counseling will go very far, as cycles can repeat in adult relationships.
It was only after I took steps to heal the past and let go of the baggage I was carrying that I was able to break the cycle of self-hate, picking emotionally unavailable men, and get relief from my sugar addictions and anxiety.
Well-meaning friends and family may tell us to “let it go” or to “not live in the past”, “forgive and let be” Which may seem like good advice, and I thought I had done all of that. But if the emotional, physical or sexual trauma is in your cells in your body, no amount of online counselling will help you shift alone through talk therapy. If you want to know how to heal from sexual abuse, physical abuse or even emotional abuse body work therapy also known as body psychotherapy is important.
The thing about emotional and physical abuse in childhood or close relationships like physical or emotional abuse in a marriage is that unless released through self-loving actions, setting boundaries where needed, as well as private counselling in Dubai or online counseling services (talking it through) over the years repressed abuse and trauma can lead to more destruction. Often destructive habits that harm the person further.
I had no idea that the reason behind my workaholism, daily drinking, compulsive over-eating and self-criticism was a way to cover up loneliness, not feeling good enough stemming from scars of the past childhood abuse that I had not dealt with. Being hit by a parent, being told you are ugly, fat, stupid, worthless repeatedly will affect yourself esteem and the fear of death is also going to be in the cells of your body with any sexual abuse or physical abuse.
Which is why when people ask me how to heal sexual abuse or physical abuse, I recommend bodywork therapy also termed somatic therapy or body psychotherapy, it was very powerful as a healing tool for me for the childhood abuse, so much so that I went on to study and become certified in it. Book a call with me if you want to know more.
Trust that you found this page for a reason, right now in your life, this is a strong sign that you are ready for healing wounds from the past.
I could have easily carried on numbing my way through life, but something inside me wanted to be free and heal from the emotional and physical abuse properly, I was sick and tired of attracting the wrong men and was fed up with the self-loathing and criticism happening on a daily basis.
My Breakthrough – healing from emotional and physical childhood abuse as an adult
I experienced cycling negative thoughts, feeling lonely and relationship drama as a result of the past, so I know how PAINFUL, FRUSTRATING, & ANNOYING it can be.
And… I too reached the point of being DONE with this pattern.
That’s when everything changed in my life and abundance flowed to me from all directions.
My food, weight and body obsession of 20 years left me and is still gone.
I attracted more compliments, gifts and acts of kindness from friends, family and men, left, right and centre.
I healed my body and my habitual drinking every night faded away.
My thinking became clearer and I gained clarity on my future and life purpose.
In less than 8 weeks my financial concerns started to disappear.
New unique opportunities and invitations to spread this message on TV, radio, and conferences kept flying in.
If you would like to learn more about online counselling services or counselling in Dubai for physical, emotional and sexual abuse do reach out in confidence.
This is what we typically cover if you are still suffering
- Clarity on what you want to create in your life and relationships
- A deeper understanding of the specific challenges that are holding you back
- Recommended next steps that will help you to heal the memories of emotional abuse, physical abuse or sexual abuse in your body, mind and hold
- Renewed motivation and confidence to be your most authentic loveable self
Due to the very sensitive nature of sexual abuse, physical and emotional trauma you can book a free 20-minute online therapy consultation with Nicola to see if the private counselling in Dubai or online counselling UK, UAE is for you. Click here to book a free consultation.
The call should be helpful to heal from sexual abuse or dealing with physical abuse or emotional abuse in marriage.