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Severe Hangover, Illness and Jetlag

AED 899

(20% discount on 3 or more sessions)

Still paying for last night?  Even after the alcohol clears your system, it can stick around from 8 to 24 hours. Get your body and mind on the right path to feeling healthier with our POST PARTY HUB.

Electrolyte hydration combined with a powerful detoxifying ingredients, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, and Vitamin C, finished with a push of Glutathione helps soothe nausea, dizziness and muscle pain, making this our #1 recovery drip.


POTENTIAL BENEFITS: Replenishes electrolytes and dehydration levels with signature vitamin blend, boosts immunity, vitality, and liver function and is great for food poisoning, dehydration, jet lag, and inflammation.




KEY INGREDIENTS:  Glutathione & Thiamine Cocktail




PLUS: Vitamin C, Magnesium, B-Complex, B12

When to Drip

Premium IV Therapy Dubai

Terrible Hangovers


Low On Electrolytes

Jet Lag


Low Energy

Get Back On Your Feet with Post Party Hub Drip


1000ml+ of Lactated Ringer’s IV Solution

A simple but potent infusion of electrolyte hydration to help nurture you back to a happier, healthier state.

Nausea Rx Medication

You know your body best. Your  drip comes infused with 2 powerful prescription-strength medications to help relieve nausea

Glutathione & Thiamine Cocktail

A potent cocktail of Glutathione & Thiamine designed to boost energy levels and flush aggravating toxins from your body.

Pair With

Half of the population are deficient in Vitamin D. Unless you live in the tropics year-round, chances are you aren’t getting enough of Vitamin D, aka: “The Sunshine Hormone.”
This can weaken the immune system, affect muscle and bone health, and most commonly impair mood and concentration. Improve your mood, sleep, and concentration levels with a blast of sunshine containing 50,000 units of Vitamin D.
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